Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My stairway to heaven

And I asked life " what is it that you want from me?"
with furrowed brows, palliated soul and sore feet
I have walked and walked in search of novelties
in search of my silver lining

living my life from one moment to the other
those brief fulfilling moments
this one moment catches my attention
walking in the milieu of happy spirited souls
the melodies humbly letting the atmosphere overpower
I ruminate fondly over the remnants of these moments
I sit dazed at the lessons you so often give,
and i chose to ignore

this memory stays imprinted in my mind
the thought of it evokes a resonating feeling
i stay riveted to the sight
a bunch of balloons cascading in the air
the wind swirls and twirls
even when the wind gushes and rushes
the steadiness in the flow never impedes never recedes..
its as if nothing can upset the motive of these pack of balloons
they rise, they fade, still stay rooted to its anchor ,
standing vibrantly amidst a set of oblivious eyes

my time freezes, my moment comes to the fore
I stay bewitched by these inanimate objects
the steadiness, the stability builds an anchor inside of me
I never want to let go of the feeling
they move together, they stay put together
even on that treacherous road

this is my personal christmas
my life lies in the colours around me
the happy faces, the laughter
the mellifluous melody entwined with the air
letting me soak the magic in this place
and i ponder
life is so precious, its opened a multitude of dimensions infront of me
and i choose and wander on the path closest to me
the path that surprises me, challenges me, keeps me excited about going forward

This is a solemn oath to myself
my anthem i choose to follow
I shall continue to find the beauty in life wherever i go,
because the journey is worth a thousand destinations
that my sore feet would cherish forever
because its my journey
my life, that i made for myself
my silver lining is for me to see how far i've come
my soul , that tells me to keep going
miles to go before I sleep
miles to explore before another journey calls out to me.