Friday, June 28, 2013

the little reassurances that you need...

In the milieu of the ongoing conundrum,
the racket, and the pandemonium
i looked back at life for reassurance
and life beckoned me

and when i reached the cross roads yet again
when the past seems dear and the future seems befuddled
and when taking a step ahead or back
is moving away from the other
I looked back at life for reassurance
and life beckoned me

when the glorious years, and times spent with loved ones end
when you realize that besides that suitcase, you have no perpetual friend
the heart singes when a change is realised
I looked back at life for reassurance
and life beckoned me

life said ...
there is yet another blue sky
there is yet another less travelled path to be explored
you loved, you lost, you sang, you drowned
but you told courage not to be shy
and hence , I showed you me, I showed you different facets of life

I shall see you once more
this is not the end my sweet one
it is the beginning of the beginnings to be foretold
and when you silently prayed for amazement to titillate
I opened a lot more doors

I showed you the bluest skies
the inconceivable abyss in the stormy seas
the waves crushing the tranquil exterior of phlegmatic shores
the solemn oath of the lonely tree to keep stretching towards light
the brazen laziness of the placid sun
and when you asked humility to captivate your soul
I laid the path for you, to retrieve a thousand old souls

I showed you faces, I showed you people,
I showed you hearts that laid down their deepest passions
I let you see , the beauty behind those faces
I let you see the stoic journeys behind the reticent smiles
and when you gave compassion a voice
you endeavoured to seek beyond me

I would uncover myself bit by bit, if you only ask for more
for I seek what you're seeking for
then why dont you trust me, why does your heart look for reassurance
why does it look for familiar grounding
when your eyes search for endlessly changing horizons?
why do you glance behind
looking for the fading silhouette of what you once were
the charade of the once been's and the once had's

Follow me, let change survive
let the memories you hold dear
humble your every step
Follow me, let me lead
for there is so much to seek
so much to uncover,
the laughter , the joys , the sorrows and the tomorrows
wait for you on the other side
leap, leap with me..

I promise not an easy journey
I promise not to always make you smile
But I promise that the sagacity of thought shall prevail
the trials and tribulations are all a part of the plan
but I promise to make it worth the while

For this is not the end my child
change is certain
it would take a while
from now onwards you shall only move forward
and when you reconcile with this fact
I will be waiting for you on the other side...


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